Ep. 44 - Social Work During a Bushfire - Safety in Chaos

Join Mim and Lis, as well as our producer Justin, as they listen to a social worker share her story of working in a bushfire evacuation centre. Hear the way social work practice can support communities in the midst of a crisis, and the surprising way it can impact the people as they process these traumatic events. Our team talks more about the unexpected moments you encounter while working with individuals, and Justin shares more of his own experiences working in bushfire-effected communities. 


Do you have thoughts, want to contribute a story or question for the team, or just say hello? Send us an email on socialworkstoriespodcast@gmail.com - we'd love to hear from you!

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Hosts - Lis Murphy and Dr. Mim Fox.

Producer - Justin Stech.

Assistant Producers - Hamish Cole, Noni Reginato and Felix Kiefel-Johnson.

Music - 'Mama' by Ben Grace (copyright 2018). Find on Spotify, or at www.bengracemusic.com

Social Work Stories©️ (Copyright 6 October 2020)

Contact us online at www.socialworkstories.com, follow our facebook page or use the handle @SOWKStoriesPod on twitter or instagram.